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Elections Observation Group (ELOG)

Jumuia Place, Lenana Road


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is ELOG?

The Elections Observation Group (ELOG) is a long-term, permanent and national forum or network comprising civil society organizations (CSOs), and faith-based organizations (FBOs) with the mandate of strengthening democracy in Kenya and the African Region by providing a sustainable platform for monitoring and observation of electoral processes.

Who Funds ELOG?

ELOG is a not-for-profit organization and has been funded by many development partners in the country. These include USAID, FCDO, IFES, Uraia Trust, and West Minister Foundation (WFD), among others.

Does ELOG charge for Courses?

The courses in this portal have been designed and supported by the development partners. As such the courses here are free of charge and nothing is billed to the participants.

Where does ELOG work?

 ELOG is a domestic observer group in Kenya. It has the mandate to observe the general elections, by-elections and referenda in Kenya. ELOG has also sent technical expertise to other African countries. In addition, ELOG hosts the East and Horn of Africa (E-Horn) secretariat. E-Horn has members in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Tanzania.

In what ways is ELOG different from IEBC?

The IEBC is a constitutional body that is mandated with conducting electoral processes in the country. ELOG is an independent non-partisan observer group that observers the electoral processes to issue a verdict about their conformity with the local and regional international standards.

What is ELOGs mission and vision?

To achieve credible, peaceful, free, and fair electoral processes in Kenya and the African region.

Our Mission: To provide a Sustainable Platform for Monitoring and Observing Electoral Processes

What is ELOGs organizational structure?

The highest administrative structure of ELOG is the advisory and peace panel (APP). This panel is in charge of peace and intervention during elective periods. The next level is the steering committee. This is comprised of the executive directors of the membership organizations. They are in charge of policy and management. Then the day-to-day activities are conducted by the Secretariat headed by the National Coordinator.